Friday, February 18, 2011


hormones raging
pheromones binding
emotions of the mind activatin
and you're feelin in love

how long would this last?
how long can your mind stay 'high'?
what would you do after the feeling dies?

break it? break up? get a fresh start!
start anew? search for a new high?

what happen to 'forever'?
where's the 'ever-lasting' crap we dreamt of?

all in the head?
all in the crap we promised while we were high

what now?
things we promised, things we did before.
do they not count?
are they just memories lined with dust,
destined to be buried in the back of that dark attic?

what happen to 'forever'?
where's the 'ever-lasting' crap we dreamt of?

i say we have all been tricked into takin this drug of love
i say most of us dont have a clue on how to deal with it
i say we shouldnt listen to their crap

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