Monday, June 6, 2011


It's 4.30am.
Anne arose to the wailing of the baby. She turned in bed,only to be faced with nothing. Dave was overseas attending yet another seminar.
Amidst the overwhelming sense of longing, she felt a tinge of resentment. She loved Dave deeply, but hated his job as much. She resented the fact the she had to give up her dream for the family while Dave gets to chase his. She resented the fact that she had to put up with a mandune job and deal with the kid while Dave gets to travel the world. As these thoughts flooded her mind, she was overcomed by hopelessness. Soon, she found herself tearing up.Frustrated, she got out of bed, wiped the resentment away and hurried to the baby. She knew she had to stop her thoughts from snowballing. She did not want her marriage to become the regret of her life.

As she tended to the baby, she found herself wishing he was by her side.

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