Sunday, October 30, 2011


'Come on! stand up!' he growled in a drunken slur.
'who'd you want to protect again?'
'HA! arent you 30 years too early?'
'that will teach you! thats what you get for trying to stand up against me'
He turned away and limbed into the room.

"no..!" James tried to scream, but all he could get out was a wheezing gasp.
"mom's in there, i gotta get to her!" He struggled to get up, but lifting his arms was the best he could do.
The man, his dad, had threw a punch right into his chest. And now all his body was numb.

He was supposed to protect his mom, but there wasnt much of a chance.
Tears filled his eyes as he watched the round man limb his way into the room.

'Marge! Come out! I've got to teach you how to educate the son? Come out now!' The man yelled at the top of his voice.
However, there was no response. Not even movement, from the room.

The man limbed into the room angrily, using whatever he could grab onto for suppport on the way.
Picture frames cracked as they fell onto the ground, and the chairs landed heavily onto the tiles as the man swept them from his path.

James watch helplessly as the man disappeared into the door frame.
'God, please help her if you can hear me' James plead.

As the man rummaged through the room, a figure at the front door caught James' eyes.
"Mom!" James tried to call out, but failed.

She waved at him, looking apologetic.
'Sorry, stay safe.' James felt his heart sink as he read her lips.
He could only stare on at the empty door way, as her shadow slipped away, while the monster reappeared from the room.

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