Sunday, December 4, 2011

to be continued...?

Theirs was a marriage of convenience.
They both had something they wanted out of it.
She, a citizenship. Him, a property.

The terms and conditions:
He was to come up with the cash for the property.
They were to provide for themselves.

She was not to ask for any payment or compensation after the deal.
The dateline was 5 years.
Today marks the fifth year.

She wanted a citizenship and he wanted a property, and life away from the family.
Due to unfortunate circumstances and a twist of fate, she ended living in his property, paying a mediocre rent.

His was a small apartment with 2 rooms and a walkway which he insisted was a 'hall'. It had barely enough room for two to
manoeuvre once he squeezed the tele and couch.

Whenever his parents, her 'in-laws' were over, the apartment would seem to shrink. She had always assumed that it was his way of deterring
She would always be forced to squeeze with them on the two-seater couch, for what they called 'conversations'. It was always more of a one
way interrogation and blackmail session as the 'in-laws' tried to educate her on the ways of being a wife.

These werent on their contract, but she had became accustomed to such sessions, at times finding herself looking forward to them. It
suddenly dawned on her that she could have confronted him for payment for these sessions. As to why she did not, she had no idea.

All these memories hit her as she made her way to the law firm.
Perhaps this is what people often described as the 'dying moments of one's life', having memories 'flash pass your eyes'.
Except, perhaps this was the death of her 'marriage'.

Today was the day.
He suggested that they find their own way to the lawyer's. She agreed. Travelling together would be too awkward anyway.

As the agreed time to drew nearer, she started to feel a tinge of sadness, perhaps an unwillingness to sign the papers. They had both longed for this day. But emotions interferred along the way.

It would only be her wishful thinking anyway. He never showed any strong emotions,and she had never been able to find out how he felt about her. He probably didnt care less since he already gotten what he wanted from the deal. Sometimes, she would blame herself for being unable
to resist such emotions. They have had great moments, but it was never long before they were reminded of the contract.

Maybe it was only because she had become accustomed to the current life style. Perhaps such emotions would fade after she gets used to her new lifestyle. Such thoughts always calms her down. Perhaps it was the fear of not knowing what this new freedom and future holds, that gave
rise to the sadness and anxiousness she had been dealing with for the past few days. Last night was the peak, all the emotions had piled up, she had cried herself to sleep.

10.50am. On the dot. She put on the sunglasses to hide her puffy eyes and alighted from the cab.
He was already standing at the foot of the building.
As she walked towards him, he turned around his head around, with eyebrows stiched closely together, and a hugh pair of sunglasses covering his eyes.

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