Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Crying doesnt solve anything, but it helps to lossen the 'cap' and to release the pressure.

He read the legal letter over again for far too many times. So much so that his eyes knew where the keywords of the letter were located. 'Divorce', 'separation', 'appointment', 'signature' and 'contract' were some of them.

The appointment was on next week. The cold war felt like it had gone on for far too long. Everything seem to have stemmed from the death of their 2year old son, just 2 weeks ago. He had his head buried in work and didnt make it in time to fetch Jim. A speeding car took Jim away from him forever. Noone knew what happened, everyone saw the aftermath. Everyone wanted answers, he had none. He was overwhelmed with guilt, and his wife made him felt twice as bad, she blamed it on him. He thought it was just going to be a tough phrase that they could make it through together. He thought their bond and trust was strong. He was wrong. She hated him from the incident on.

The day after Jim.s death, she moved out. The day of the funeral,he was rejected entry. 2 weeks after Jim.s death, this letter arrived.

There wasnt even a chance to talk. To ask for forgiveness. To apologise.
There wasnt anyone to share his grief, to comfort him. Just the walls of the empty house to echo the emptyness he felt.

The appointment was on next week. He wasnt even sure if he would get another chance to meet her. He wasnt even sure if he wanted to.

He read the letter again, allowing it to soak in. Everything that had happened over the past the 2 weeks replayed in his head over again and over again. As it start to dawn on him that it was all going to be over next week, the first trace of tears started to swell in his eyes. The first trace of tears in 2 weeks. The first physical manifestation of grief, guilt and perhaps, relieve.

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